We are a 501(c)(3), Federally tax exempt organization.
All donations are tax-deductible. Tax ID# 46-3527671

You can also send your donation by check:
Give Us Paws
10402 Raritan Dr.
Houston, TX 77043

Give Us Paws Benefactor Sponsorships $5,000.00-$24,999

Platinum Paws: $15,000-$24,999 Sponsor three or more teams
Gold Paws: $10,000-$14,999 Sponsor two teams
Silver Paws: $7,500-$9,999 Sponsor your own team and help another team
Bronze Paws: $5,000-$7,499 Sponsor your own team

Friends of Give Us Paws $50-$4,999

Paws Grand Patron: $2,500-$4,999 Grand Patron team co-sponsor
Paws Patron: $1,000-$2,499 Patron team co-sponsor
Paws Team Supporter: $500-$999 Team co-sponsor
Paws Principal: $250-$499
Paws Member: $100-$249
Paws Partner: $50-$99

Tax deductible corporate and private sponsorships
are available for animal/handler teams.

Please email [email protected] for more information.

Give Us Paws reserves the right to move donated money as it sees fit for the purpose of furthering our mission. Any funds received over and above the budget of the solicited purpose will be put into the general fund.


The Assistance Dog United Campaign (ADUC): http://www.assistancedogunitedcampaign.org/

Gift Of Sunshine - Gandalf Fund FAQ and Application: http://www.thegiftofsunshine.org/gandalf.html











The Humane Society of the United States – Resources

For Veterans

VA Caregiver Support

Aid and Attendance or Housebound Benefits

Feed The Dog, Inc (Assistance for US Veterans)

United States Department of Veterans Affairs - for Veterans who have service dogs, Title 38 Section 1714 enables veterans to ask their caseworkers to file VA Form 10-2641 in order to receive financial assistance for veterinary care of service animals.

Link to Dept. of Veterans Affairs FAQ page on service dogs:

sponsor a team

  • Team Sponsorships Available

    Funding for our training is dependant on your tax deductible donations. Without your donations, we can't help our teams get back to a more normal, independant life. Please consider helping teams like these with your tax deductible donation today.

Adam and Rose

Please help sponsor Adam and Rose! I'm Adam. I am currently going through a medical retirement from the Army after nearly 22 years of service in the Texas National Guard and the Army Reserve. During that span, I had a yearlong deployment to Iraq in 2005-2006, plus another 4-5 years' worth of stateside active duty tours. Making the decision to accept retirement was a difficult one. While I am proud to be leaving the service as a lieutenant colonel, I still had nearly 10 years of notional service time as an officer still ahead of me, and a desire to continue to give back through my military service. But ultimately, a combination of medical conditions and non-combat service injuries took a toll on my health and stamina and I knew it was time for me to say goodbye.

Although I knew I was clearly eligible, I was reluctant to look into a service dog program. With so many fellow veterans out there with issues so much more serious and more life-changing than mine, I felt like I shouldn't waste anyone's time. But ultimately, I thought back to the many times over the years when I suddenly needed emergency medical care. Fortunately, in most instances, I was able to call for help myself, or had others nearby who could. But I kept thinking about how many times I had just barely been within reach of help. What if the emergency happened an hour earlier than it did when I was alone? Or if it had happened when I was 10 blocks further into my walk where no one else was around? Or what if I had left my phone behind somewhere, or the emergency was severe enough such that I couldn't dial?

Ultimately, I approached Give Us Paws, who have been fantastic from the start. They reassured me that a service dog would be a very appropriate tool in the long-term management of my conditions and injuries. Unlike many veteran families, we don't currently have a dog in the house. But even there, Give Us Paws is helping us do this right; Paul is right there beside us, helping us to evaluate potential rescue dogs for the training.

We are just beginning our journey, but we are grateful for the added safety & security the Give Us Paws program will be bringing to our family.

Natalie and Scooby

Please help sponsor Natalie and Scooby! My name is Natalie, I was in the Army for about six years. My last rank was E4. My disability occurred during deployment to Iraq in 2010. I have PTS and it affects me by being in crowds and I get bad anxiety to the part I start to have anxiety attacks. I also have diabetes and major depression. I can't even go to the grocery store it is very uncomfortable. I feel like everyone is starring and someone is going to attack me. I am consistedly on guard my dog calms me down when I'm at home some I believe by him being a service dog he can do more for me in public. So, a service dog would help with my symptoms. My dog Scooby already lifts my well-being his very smart and notices a lot about me and stays by my side a lot. This would be a very beneficial opportunity for me and my dog it would provide the help I need.

Edwared and Raven

Please help sponsor Edward and Raven! My name is Edward, in 2013 I medically retired out of the United States Army as a sergeant. It had its highs and lows and like anything else in life, but you learn to just embrace the suck and keep moving forward, because no matter what you always knew that you weren't the only one dealing with it all and you kept going for the one's that couldn't. After being hit with an RPG and thrown 10 feet in to a brick and mortar wall I struggled to deal with and accept that I was one of the lucky ones. After being hospitalized for not sleeping for 9 days straight my life began tumbling down or I at least accepted that I wasn't fine. With the constant joy of having ringing in my ears and dealing with varies injures and surgeries the anxiety, depression, hypervigilant, insomnia, chronic pains, double vison, PTS, and TBI it all seemed to consume my life. I saw myself completely avoiding the outside joys of the world and all that was in it. Its been recommended to me by many doctors, friends and family that getting a service animal could be really good for me. I made every reason and excuses to tell myself that it wasn't the right time. This past year I've been thinking about it more and more and up came Raven an Alaskan Malamute whom was looking to be a placed to be a service animal for someone. It seemed right because I said if I ever got one, I wanted it to be an Alaskan Malamute, I had no more excuses. I'm fully committed and excited for this challenge ahead, I know that it won't be easy but I'm looking forward to the adventure with Raven and what we're going to learn at Give Us Paws.

Any donations are appreciated! Free dog kisses with any contribution.