My name is John, I reside in Santa Fe, Tx

I entered the world GREATEST US Navy in 1980, went to bootcamp in San Deigo California, upon graduation I was assigned to the USS Julius A Furer FFG-6 Stationed in Charleston South Carolina. During that time I was assigned to various departments and finally ended up being a designated storekeeper (SK) during that tour aboard I was deployed to the Medterian in areas of concern ie, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Libya and Panama which were all involved in hostile waters. I observed Bombs going off on the shorelines and gun boats approaching us. I then completed that tou8r and received orders to Pomflant Charleston, my department was closed down after approximately 68 months, I was given new orders to NAS Memphis, Memphis TN Base Police, I was assigned to the patrol division as a Patrolman, I would patrol the base and base housing and all government properties, While there I witnessed at close proximity 4 foot or less a shooting of one of my follow patrolman causing serious bodily harm While there I crossed over to the Master at Arms rate (Navy Military Police) as a result of this incident years later it came back to haunt me along with all the police shooting and the shooting happening at Santa Fe High school.

I re-enlisted and received order to the UUS Forrestal CV-59 stationed in Mayport FL upon arrival I was assigned to the Security department Patrol Division, There after I was assigned as the Leading petty officer over the Brig, Then I was assigned to the Commands Criminal Investigations Division as senior investigator, while also being the departments leading petty office, I was selected for Instructor duty for the Master at Arms school located at Ft.McCllean AL, while there I was the Primary Instructor and also the Chief Master at Arms of the Command ( Chief of Police ) the school was relocated to Lackland AFB San Antonio, TX where I continued to instruct, I then received order for independent duty as chief master at arms for the UUS Laboon DDG-58 (Pre Com), I was then transferred to Houston MEPS (Humanitarians) Retirement

As a result of being a first responder and observing a lot of things that I cannot be unseen I suffer PTSD

Major Depresion